A Typical Air Circuit Breaker

circuit breaker

 Air Circuit Breakers
l  Used as Generator and Bus-tie breakers
l  Arc extinction takes place in the medium of fresh air.
l  Current capacity – available up to 6300 Amps.
l  Breaking capacity – available up to 100 KA.
l  Manually/Electrically spring charged closing. (L&R)
l  Manually/Electrically tripped. (L&R)
l  Simple to operate and maintain.
l  High Dielectric strength even in hot, humid conditions.
l  High degree of system protection and coordination due to
    the use of Micro processor based releases. (Optional)
l  Under voltage Trip instantaneous/time delay type.

 l  Adjustable Instantaneous short-circuit trips. (Magnetic)
Adjustable overload settings 80-120% of nominal current.

Air Circuit Breaker Contacts Arrangement/Phase

circuit breaker arrangement

AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS Reviewed by HODO on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5
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