Ignition Quality of Marine Fuel

Marine Fuels are a mixture of heavy residual oil and cracked   distillates, which can lead to poor ignition quality when blended.

  Ignition research conducted over the last 25 years included; test engines,   gas chromatography and “constant volume combustion bomb” (bomb   calorimeter).  These methods are accurate, but not economical.

Shell Research and British Petroleum have developed a simple-to-use   indicator of ignition quality, the Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index   (CCAI) for HFO and the Cetane Index Indicated (CII) for MDO/MGO.

 On the basis that a fuel’s aromaticity and carbon content have a significant   influence on the ignition quality, the Shell (CCAI) and BP (CII) use a simple   viscosity-density relationship nomogram, which provides an estimate of the   ignition quality. 

Ignition Quality of Marine Fuel Ignition Quality of Marine Fuel Reviewed by HODO on August 14, 2015 Rating: 5
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